Wednesday, February 17, 2010



3:03pm: Klara Krizova of Russia the first skiier was looking good until she fell hard halfway through her run. She looks okay, but I wouldn't want to be her!!

3:05pm: C. Alcott of UK has some great turns right at the beginning luckily she had crossed the finish line before she fell.

3:08pm: C. Ruiz Castillo from Spain was born in Chile .. apparently she's a traveller but she can't take the lead. Alcott still has it.

3:10pm: Stacy Cook of USA had a bad fall earlier in the week and nearly had the same fall this run.. she takes over the lead after a "fabulous run".

3:12pm : Elizabeth Goergl of Austria is doing her best but she nearly has a few bad falls but pulls through as she takes the lead.

3:14pm: The Canadian Brit Janyk has some great turns but can't take the lead as she moves to second place.

3:16pm: L. Reccha of Italy nearly loses it and has a huge flight near the bottom, she moves to 3rd.

3:18pm: A. Revillet of France is way behind the rest of the pack. Apparently she was having a

3:20pm: Naja Kalmer of Switzerland the 22 year old is coming off a few podium finishes. She is a little to far back on her heels to get much speed and sits in 8th place.

3:22pm: Julia Mancuso of USA has great form and moves to first place by 9/10ths of a second. Janyk moves to third.

3:24pm: Dominique Gisin of Switzerland has a bad fall within sight of the finish line.. she slides across the finish line. She looks to be in pain.. and I can't blame her but she walks off the

3:29pm: Whistler is packed and its a gorgeous day, I would love to be there!Britt Janyk feels good about her run but knows she could've done better. There is some matainance happening on the course because of Gisin's fall.

3:35om: Nadia Styger of Switzerland is hoping to bring a gold to the Swiss after a long drought of medals. But has a bad run, she's all over the place and

3:38pm: Daniela Merighetti of Italy was having a very good run until she had a bad fall; faceplanting right through a gate. Merighetti was not happy slamming her poles on the ground.

3:44pm: Another Austrian Andrea Fishchbacher keeps her cool down the course handeling the Ladner jump very well. She pushed Britt Janyk to fourth as Fischbacher moves to a bronze medal position.

3:46pm: M. Marchand-Arvier of France has a decent run and moves to fifth place. Man, i'd love to be tearing up that course right now.

3:49pm:Lindsay Vann of the USA. She is the undisputed favorite for the gold.She has an amazing run and moves to first by half a second.

3:52pm: Emily Brydon of Canada, her last chance at a medal has a tough run and moves to 5th place.

3:54pm: Fabien Suter of switzerland makes a few key mistakes and moves to fifth.

3:56pm: I. Jacquemod of France skis very nervously and that costs her as she is put into 16th place.

4:00pm: i'm really looking forward to Maria Rieschs run.. hopefully she'll kick an american off the podium although Lindsey Vonn does seem like a sweet girl.

4:01pm: WOW! My heart breaks for Marion Rolland of France who falls right off the start, that is odd and embarresing for Marion..

4:03pm: Anja Paerson of Sweden has five olympic medals and is having an excellent run. Later She gets massive air and hits the ground very hard, she hits a gate and spins in circle's.. later she stands up and appears to be ok.

4:13pm: Maria Riesch of Germany is another heavy favorite for the gold, but she can't get a better time then Vonn, that's a huge disppointment for Riesch and Germany.

4:17pm: Alice Mckennis of USA is the youngest member of the USA alpine team. She had a good run until she loses control and barley makes a gate; losing alot of time.

4:19pm: T. Maze, the flag bearer for Slovenia has seven days of races in a row. She is placed in 16th postition after a "keep-it-safe"run.

4:21pm:Sweden's Jessica Lendall-Vikarby has a horribly slow run and finishes 9.7 seconds behind.

4:23pm: J. Schnarf of Italy has another safe run but can't pull through and is put in 18th place.

4:25pm: Germany's G. Stechart has some absolutly amazing turns and was in competition for bronze medal until she lost time around some turns and was finished in 16th.

4:27pm: B. Mader of Austria is in the armed forces and has a safe run finishing in 14th .

4:29pm: Austria's L. Fenninger is having a decent run until she has some bad turns and loses alot of time and is put in 22nd.

4:31pm: Anna Fanchini of Italy nearly loses it after a hard turn and decides not to finish the race.

4:32pm: The Americans are doing great holding silver and gold positions while it looks like Austria is taking bronze.

4:35pm: CTV interviews Lindsey Vonn who is very emotional and excited, according to her the course is extremly difficult. S. Zahrobska of the Czech republic races, but she falls far behind.

4:37pm: The flag bearer of Moneco Alexandra Coletti races and finishes 22nd.

4:38pm: Elena Prosteva of Russia nearly falls early in the course but manages to hold on to finish in 24th.

4:39pm: Romania's Edith Miklos does the splits,a front somersalt and finally fly's into the nets very hard. That is a horrible fall and i'm sure that she will be admitted to hospital. Wow, there have been a lot of falls, im nervous for the rest of the skiiers.

4:4opm: Slovenia's starts to race but gets flagged early because of Miklos' fall.

4:53pm: Miklos has temporarily stood up.

4: 55pm: Miklos is now she is being airlifted out on a stretcher.

5:01pm: Seriously, it's the Olympics. Why are we seeing the same commercials over and over?

Unfortunately my coverage ended here. Congratulations to Lindsey Vonn for winning the gold, she is the first american woman to win gold in that event!

Lindsay Vonn - Gold - USA

Julia Mancuso
- Silver - USA

Andrea FischBacher
- Bronze - Austria

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